Thursday, September 24, 2009


My Little Kate Bradley,

You are just too funny! Your mother just called and shared with me something so hilarious that you said. You were not being nice to Madeline and Madeline said to your mommy:"Kate Bradley is being mean to me." Your mommy asked you why you were being mean to your sister and you said: "I'm just trying to teach her to love her enemies!"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

October 26, 2003

Dear Emily,

Your daddy invited me to accompany him along with you and Sarah Beth on a short trip to Watercolor, FL. while your mommy vacationed with friends out east. I readily accepted the invitation and I am so thankful that I got to spend such a special few days with you.

We had so much fun at the beach and riding bikes on bike trails through the woods and by the inter-coastal lake. Your daddy and I pulled you and Sarah Beth in carriers behind the bicycles. You absolutely love the beach and playing in the sand. You like to tease me and tell me that the sand is snow You remembered burying me in the sand from our previous trip so you would shout and order me: "Granna take naps!" That was your way of saying to lay down so you could bury me in the sand.

We went for doughnuts one morning and we were amused to see what a serious doughnut eater you are. After a time you thought I had taken the last one so you reached over and took it off of my plate and gave me the remnants of your doughnut! You couldn't see that there were six more hidden in the box.

We went to a pizzaria one evening and ordered our pizza and then took our seats to wait. Every time a pizza came out from the oven to be delivered to another table you stood up, waved your hands and shouted: "Over here!" Everyone seemed to be so amused. The waiter came over to our table and reassured you that he was hurrying up our order. You just didn't seem to get it as you have always had pizza just delivered to your house and you hadn't watched as others received their pizza first. Plus I have observed that you might need some help learning patience. You are so funny Little Emily and I love you so. Granna

Gal 5:22,23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, PATIENCE , kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; against such things there is no law.

Friday, September 4, 2009

June 5, 2005

Dear Abby,

It's just you and me, as Pa is in Nicaragua on a mission trip and your sisters and parents went to Washington D.C. for your Dad's cousin's graduation. We have had fun together with building blocks and puzzles, going for wagon rides and eating ice cream.

There is no one sweeter or more adorable than our Abby! You are so smart and you are busy every minute. You no longer love for me to rock you and sing to you for you know that precedes going to bed, and you fight that. Though your vocabulary is limited you understand almost everything and you follow instructions. You stop what you shouldn't be doing when I tell you "no". You give me kisses and you give me good love laying your head on my shoulder. You smile easily and often and with that smile you melt hearts. You laugh and giggle easily and heartily. You are beautiful, happy, and fun. You are perfect in every way and a true God-given blessing. I'm just crazy over you and I thank God for you, praying always for your health and protection and for your soul.

You are walking and have been doing so for a couple of months now. Though you can walk across the room, with every step it looks as if you will fall. You are so unsteady on your feet and you walk with your legs so far apart that it is funny! You just haven't learned the leg posture yet. You are so proud of yourself to be walking and when you fall you laugh and giggle, get up and take off full speed. I love you little Abby and I will love you forever! Granna

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21

As little Abby was so unsteady on her feet when she began to walk, when she would hold to our hand and we would guide her giving her encouragement she was safe and would not fall. Are we any different in our walk? As long as we hold to God's " righteous right hand" and hear his voice we will not fall. When I first learned this verse I thought of the way as being the path, but it has occurred to me that the way is the Word. Amy Grant's song "Thy Word" came to mind. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my WAY. This way or word comes from behind from someone we don't see but who sees us. God's spirit sets us straight and keeps us from going wrong; and we shall hear what God has spoken only if we have perceived it through the Word.