Tuesday, August 18, 2009


My Dear Matthew,

You are undoubtedly the most loving yet rambunctious soon-to-be three year old boy yet born. You can run and knock me down, and hug my neck and give me your hard kisses (as you call them), and be gone in a few seconds, for only a few seconds, and be back for more loving and rough housing. You can be gentle and rough all at the same time.

You love to tease and play, jump off the furniture, dive onto the furniture, run and hide, chase a ball, kick a ball, and throw a ball. You immediately search for all the balls when you come to our house, and you always want to go outside and try to shoot them in the big goal. You can’t get them far in the air, but no one can stop you from trying.

You are so good and mostly obedient. You go down for a nap at bedtime with no fuss. You choose the books you want read and the songs you want me to sing. You are the only person that chooses songs for me to sing!

You are such a handsome little guy and you look so much like your daddy and it is no accident that you act like him too; for he has worked over time seeing to it that you are loud and boisterous, all boy, and a big tease. He said he doesn’t want any boring children. He believes that children should be heard as well as seen!

You seem fearless and my prayer is that God tames that fearlessness and protects you. I also pray that someday your fearlessness meets with passion for Christ. Your Daddy is certainly sold out for God and you have a great role model.

I love you Matthew Rhoads and I smile when I think of you. I smile more when I am with you . . . and I thank God for those special times.


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