Tuesday, August 18, 2009

January 31, 2002

Dear Little Emily,

You just came with your family this afternoon for a visit. Your Great Grandmother Lewis and your Great Aunt Marilyn were visiting from West Frankfort, Illinois; and it was their first time to meet you. They instantly fell in love with you.

You are nine months old now and you are ready to walk. You raise to a standing position from a sitting one and you don't even use your hands. We've never seen another baby do this.

Grandmother Lewis thinks you look just like your Daddy; in fact, everyone
thinks you look just like him. I think you look alot like your Aunt Marilyn's baby pictures 

You are such an adorable baby; always so happy and playful. You giggled and laughed out loud when we would play with you. Everyone is happier when you are around. You are such a blessing to our family and we will all love you forever and ever. I pray for God to keep you safe. I also pray that you grow to love God and that you will always listen to Him.


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